Stocks Around Us TMC Life Sciences
Update on 8-Sep-2016
Update on 7-Sep-2016
Update on 6-Sep-2016
Notice some of TMCLife trading pattern as below. I am not able to conclude anything but I just feel weird ...... for those selling 200 shares, 100 shares...... Maybe someone knows.
Update 1-Sep-2016
Looking at the EOD (End of Day) chart, the long black candle visited this counter with high volume and below 20MA. In addition, the Stochastic has moved below the previous low level.
It seems to worry some of the investors and traders. Traders most likely have taken selling position instead of holding. Panic investors may also anxious and perhaps some may sold off today.
Let me share my personal point of view. This counter has fluctuate trend in previous years mainly due to the uncertainty in business direction. Nonetheless this company has strong and firmed vision toward the industry with the ambitious from the CEO. If you plan to invest in longer term, this may be the opportunity for accumulation.
From the chart wise, yes, it's below 20MA. Yet the formation of peanut is not broke, congrats. Because the trend still in healthy mode. The next support will be 0.87.
Lately, there are many counters share price doesn't really move up and some even drop with good or excellent results. This may be the new trending where sell on result by traders as they are worry and not willing to hold share instead holding a lot of cash to play around. You may expect some unexpected drop like what happened to Gamuda today. If you sold with panic, then you may regret. Anyway, everybody has to take own risk with decision made. "Wash out traders" trend is happening lately to many of uptrend counters.
I have small portion in TMCLife investing on the future growth, thus short term volatility will not affect my decision of holding. Instead, I am seeking opportunity to accumulate whenever I feel "low" to me.
Invest with purpose.
Published on 27-Aug-2016
公司近来有几项备忘录的签署,看来大股东已经开始加快部署,积极为股东带来更大的回酬。其中, TMC生命科学和Advance Renal Care(亚洲)有限公司(ARCA)签署备忘录,以探讨合作在新山Vantage Bay保健城(VHBC)的Iskandariah医院设立和/或营运一间全马最大型的洗肾中心,预计于2019年启业。 Vantage Bay保健城是综合医疗保健服务枢纽,包括一间500个床位的医院、医学教育训练枢纽和疗养度假村。
TMC生命科学在二零一六年七月二十一日与新加坡康生医院(Thomson Medical Centre),和爱尔兰都柏林大学学院签署了解备忘录,探讨联营保健科学培训和教育平台的可能。在未来的一年内,双方将共同研究在马新两国联营并成立保健科学训练和教育平台的可行性。康生医院是新加坡领先的妇女和儿童保健服务机构之一。都柏林大学学院则是爱尔兰著名,以研究为主的大学。
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